What are bacterial STI’s?
In general, there are three types of infections you can get from sexual activity.
- Parasitic STD
- Bacterial STD
- Viral STD
A bacterial STI is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by a bacterium. A bacterium is a microscopic single-cell organism. There are many different kinds of bacteria and they do many different things. Some do good things such as provide flavor for foods, break down garbage and help us digest food. These are good bacteria. Sometimes called probiotics. But many bacteria do bad things like make us sick. We sometimes call these guys in germs, strep throat is an example of an infection caused by bacteria.They are bad news and some of these bad boys are commonly spread by sexual contact. Therefore bacterial sexually transmitted infections are infections caused by bacteria that are transmitted through sexual contact. They spread through types of sexual contact, not just intercourse.Bacterial STD list includes the STDs such as chlamydia gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis (trich) and Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and syphilis The most common bacterial STIs are chlamydia gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States. Check STD testing cost after $10 discount.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most frequently reported bacterial STDs. The highest rates of these STD’s are among teenagers and young adults.The main symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea are burning or pain during urination or an unusual discharge from the penis or vagina.

Syphilitic chancre of the mouth
There is one more relatively common bacterial STI. It is syphilis. An early sign of syphilis is a painless sore. About 1/2 inch in diameter called a chancre.
The chancre forms at the site of initial infection usually on or around the anus, mouth, penis or vagina. These sores often go away on their own. This is very dangerous because even though the sore goes away if syphilis is not properly treated the bacteria stays in the body. Over many years it can lead to serious damage such as blindness paralysis even death. In fact, not everyone who has a bacterial STI shows signs or symptoms. so if you’ve had sexual contact and think something might be wrong. Get tested.
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Get tested even if you don’t have pain a discharge or source. Any bacterial STI that is not treated can cause long-term health problems including infertility. Chronic disease increased risk of HIV infection, cancer, and even death. The good news is that bacterial STD’s can be cured. A doctor can completely get rid of the bacteria in your body this is done with special medicines called antibiotics.Antibiotics only work on bacteria. But you first need to know you have an STD and the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor and get tested.
Another common STI that is a bit harder to pin down is trichomoniasis or trick. Trichomoniasis is a protozoan which is a type of parasite, but it causes burning and a yellow-green discharge similar to gonorrhea and chlamydia. It is treated with medicine just like G&C; and are although technically a parasite will put the trick in the bacterial group because it’s symptoms and treatment are similar to other bacterial STI’s.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
There is one more very common sexual health issue that is a bit harder to pin down. It is called bacterial vaginosis or BV. It’s not really an STI but it involves bacteria in the vagina. It can be triggered by sexual activity and it only affects women. BV occurs when the normal balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina gets out of whack. Not much is known about what causes BV but having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners increases risk.BV causes burning itching and other symptoms similar to gonorrhea and chlamydia. BV can be treated using the following medication.
The really good news is that all bacterial STD’s can be avoided by practicing the following technique.
- Not having sexual contact with a new partner until STD testing. That is being abstinent.
- If you do have sexual contact you can reduce your risk of infection by practicing safer sex including using condoms.
Remember, bacterial sexually transmitted infections are no fun. Pain caused by germs can be cured. If you accidentally start applying a condom the wrong way throw it out otherwise what was outside will be inside and what’s inside will be on you.