The most recent numbers published by the Texas Department of State Health Services shows a steady increase in STI’s and STDs some of which are even becoming antibiotic resistant. We dove into the numbers and they might surprise you.
Thousands of Texans each year are becoming a statistic. They’re among a growing epidemic of people diagnosed with Sexually transmitted infections and diseases but Bell County has landed in the top 10 list that nobody wants to brag about.
Jodi Nicholas, an executive director of the Greater Killeen community clinic, she says that the calls for help with sexual health concerns are astounding. There are 120 calls a week, from Monday through Thursday. She believes Bell County has higher numbers because of its high population due in part to Fort Hood’s proximity and also the area as Killeen is one of the largest cities.
Population aside between Bell, McLennan, Coryell and Falls County; Bell County ranks first in the most cases of Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis compared to counties in proximity. Table below gives the details.
County Names | Chlamydia | Gonorrhea | Syphilis |
Bell | 3346 | 1245 | 137 |
McLennan | 1895 | 795 | 65 |
Coryell | 364 | 120 | 34 |
Falls County | 76 | 34 | 3 |
The most recent STD surveillance report lists Bell County as number 12 in the state of Texas for the most cases of syphilis number eight for chlamydia and number seven for gonorrhea.
But the one thing the Bell County Public Health district made sure to emphasize is that gonorrhea, one of the most prevalent diseases in Bell County is an urgent concern noting nearly half a million cases across the nation have become resistant to antibiotics.
There are several basic techniques to avoid the spread of STD can be practiced. They include
- Regular use of condoms while having sex
- Avoid sharing towel or underclothing
- Getting vaccinated for STD such as Hepatitis
- Getting tested for STD/HIV regularly
5681 cases of Chlamydia reported across Bell, McLennan, Coryell and Falls counties
- Texas STD Surveillance Report 2018: https://dshs.texas.gov/hivstd/reports/STDSurveillanceReport.pdf
- Texas state STD report 2018 : https://www.dshs.texas.gov/hivstd/reporting/
- Texas state HIV report 2018: https://dshs.texas.gov/hivstd/reports/HIVSurveillanceReport.pdf