Christmas and New Year have always seen an upscale or the rise in the rate of STD cases. Accidental sexual encounters, casual hook-ups during Christmas and new year’s parties is something which is not uncommon anymore. Moreover, occasions like office Christmas party gives you that very precious chance to put your hair down with your longtime crush. Bhut, do you know the amount of risk you put yourself into by doing this. You are at the highest risk of contracting an STD or even HIV. This is not a joke. So how could I possibly be ready for the Christmas keeping my sexual health intact?
What takes me to such a high risk of contraction of STD during Christmas/New year’s eve?

Christmas celebration
Unfortunately, the Christmas or New year eve, tap all the attribute which are otherwise recommended to avoid to protect yourself from STDs.
1.Casual Sex, Accidental sexual encounters, Hook-ups
To begin with, everything builds up with the attraction of opposite sex and its an opportunity if the person is your crush. Casual sex attributes to not knowing the sexual health of the partner and trusting only instinct or hoping he /she is free from Sexual disease. Trust factor goes for a toss when the sexual encounter is casual and under the influence of Alcohol and drugs.That takes us to the next attribute
2.Alcohol and drugs affecting STD
Its the festive season, workloads lighten, Long days staring at a screen is replaced by client Christmas excursions, departmental boozy lunches and evening party party party and in comes the booz, which can easily make you forget when you took the last shot of cocaine. As per the research work done by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information US) that there is a direct connection between certain STDs and alcohol/drugs consumption. The research data suggests the following.
- Rates of binge drinking among STD clinic patients were high.
- Gonorrhea was found at nearly 5 times the higher rate among women binge drinkers compared to women abstainers
- The association between binge drinking and sexual behaviors/gonorrhea remained after controlling for drug use.
- Among men, rates of risky sexual behaviors/STDs were high but did not differ by alcohol use.
Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, sexual protection factor is ignored. Protection includes the use of condoms or even the birth control. Having more than one sexual partner during parties risks you to several STDs including HIV. Indiscriminate use of syringe during drugs intake can also put you at a very high risk of HIV.
That’s not it.

New Year celebration
The latest figure shows one in ten admits of catching Sexual Infection after the party sex. Its worse for the Office Christmas party.
- 13% would tell their manager or another co-worker if they caught STD from a colleague
- 8% would tell HR
- 4% would speak to someone in the company’s legal department
This is very dangerous as many STDs are asymptotic in nature and the detection and treatment could possibly take much time.
How would I protect myself from STD and enjoy the party without worrying about being contracted?
The answer is simple, its Sexual abstinence but not the solution for most, especially during Christmas and New Year season. The other ways to party without worrying about being contracted is as follows. Follow these things and stop worrying about STD this Christmas/ New year
Use latex condoms every time you have sex
If you are a guy, keep condoms handy while going for the party. If you are a girl insist the use of the condom during intercourse.
Avoid having more than one sexual partner
In order to reduce the possibility of contacting with the disease like HIV and other STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea, it is always suggested to avoid having more than one partner. Especially during parties where there can be indiscriminate encounters.
Get vaccinated
There is a vaccine for HPV, Hepatitis B & C, to prevent yourself in advance, from being contracted by these incurable STD.
Get Tested
Many STDs do not exhibit symptoms, but they can still cause health problems. So the thing you want to do first after any sexual encounter with a stranger (in a party/celebration) is to get tested.
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