Which STD smells like fish? Recognize STDs with smell [for both Men & Women]

STD causing fishy Vaginal Odor

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Herpes (HSV-2)

There are many signs and indicators of being contracted by STD. Some common symptoms of STD include rashes, marks on the skin, discharge through genitals, warts, sores, etc. What remains unnoticed are the subtle indicators (of STD) that confuse us with the common problems we regularly face. 

Vaginal Odor not associated with STDs

In women, vaginal odor is generally associated with common problems such as menstrual cycle, yeast infection, etc. So if you say “my discharge smells bad but not fishy” then you might just have the below-listed problems.

  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV) or vaginitis
  • Menstrual cycle / Periods 
  • Irritation due to douching
  • Allergic reactions
  • Yeast infections
  • Poor or inadequate hygiene
  • Vaginal hygiene 

While not all smells of vaginal odor can be related to STDs, it is always a good practice to get tested for STDs when you suspect a different smell altogether or a different type of discharge than usual (often green, frothy, and foul smell). 

Also, it is essential to know that the above-mentioned conditions can be triggered due to STD. Bacterial vaginosis, for instance, causes due to Chlamydia. Thus, testing after the primary symptoms is necessary for timely diagnosis & treatment (if found to be positive)

Now let’s address the big question

Which STD smells like fish? Fishy odor due to STD

There are STDs causing the fishy vaginal odor. Following is the list of STD causing vaginal Odor

  • Chlamydia:  Chlamydia causes a strong fishy smell due to a grey-white watery vaginal discharge. What causes a smelly discharge? Well, this is due to bacterial vaginosis caused by chlamydia, which is caused by a disruption of the balance of normal vaginal bacteria.


  • Gonorrhea: Bloody discharge with a fishy smell or mushroom-like odor is a common symptom of Gonorrhea. The odor becomes intense after sex.


  • Trichomoniasis: Also known as ‘Trich’ is commonly associated with an intense pungent fishy odor. The odor of Trichomoniasis is pronounced as too intense, more than Chlamydia (bacterial vaginosis)


  • Herpes (HSV-2): In rare occurrence odor has been observed in Herpes patients. Although, the not intense but mild smell of vaginal discharge (a rare occurrence) along with the blisters and sores has been one of the symptoms of Herpes contraction.


Read more: STD pictures: Symptoms other than the fishy smell

STD smells from other than the genital area

Some STDs just don’t smell through genitals. They give you body odor or bad breath.

Hepatitis B: It gives you a strong musty smell from your mouth, also known as Fetor Hepaicus. Fetor hepaticus also known as breath of the dead or hepatic foetor occurs when your breath has a strong, musty smell. This happens when the liver can’t produce bile due to Hepatitis disease. Thus, builds up toxins in the central nervous system which can cause the breath to have a sweet or musty odor.


STD smell/odor in men 

The women’s ability to sniff out infected men could be “part of an evolutionary mechanism ensuring, unconsciously, avoidance of a risky romantic partner


Chlamydia urine smell: Chlamydia causes Chlamydial urethritis in men. It causes an infection of the urethra.  Thus, Chlamydia infection can let pus in the urine, which makes it look cloudy and usually makes urine smell bad.


Gonorrhea body odor in men:  In a research study conducted on 34 women found over a third of the samples to be aromatically off-putting, they judged nearly half of the infected men’s sweat to be foul-smelling.


How to stop this fishy smell?

Fishy smell due to STD can only be stopped by receiving proper treatment. Besides, you can get rid of the odor due to problems other than STD by

Practicing good hygiene: Most often during periods, it is required to clean the area around the vagina. This happens due to a pH imbalance. Putting perfume soaps and body wash will only increase the balance. Also, this area is generally moist and so susceptible to different types of infection. Cleansing with bath soap is recommended.

Use OTC (over the counter) ph product. This puts the balance of your vaginal pH back on track.

Use Deodrants outside of your vaginal area for the same reason that you don’t want to disturb the pH thereby escalating the infection process

Use undergarments made of cotton cloth, this will reduce/absorb the moisture causing the smell.

Other Home remedies like the use of tea tree oil and soaking(15 mins) with apple cider vinegar have also been found to be effective to prevent the smell.

Getting proper medical treatment: Fishy odor due to STDs can only be cured with proper medical treatment. Here timely diagnosis becomes an essential part as delay in treatment can lead the disease in the advanced stage and thereby making more harm.

Bottom line

Not all odors or odors coming from in the genitals are STDs. Having said that, you cannot rule out the chances of one. For a sexually active person, it is always better to get tested for STDs once in 6 months and those with the symptoms should immediately get tested for STD.


Gonorrhea odor in men http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1743-6095


STD Gonorrhea smell: https://www.livescience.com/17403-std-smell-gonorrhea.html