Trichomoniasis: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Trichomoniasis: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Trichomoniasis or Trich is a sexually transmitted diseases that cause due to a protozoa called T.vaganilis or trichomonas vaginalis. It is one of the most common STDs that stays and infects the genitals of both men and women.

It is one of the common STD in the USA. It is estimated that there are 3.7 million people suffers from Trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis infection is more common in women compared to men.

The frequency of symptomatic disease is highest sexually active women in their 30s and lowest in postmenopausal period.



Pictures of Trichomoniasis protozoa under Microscope

Trichomoniasis parasite protozoa seen under microscope
Trichomoniasis parasite protozoa seen under microscope
Trichomoniasis parasite protozoa seen under microscope
You can transfer trich to your partner through unprotected vaginal intercourse from the person who is infected (male/female) and in very few cases through oral sex, as well. 

The protozoa of Trich can remain alive in the sexual fluids for up to 45 mins, thus Trichomoniasis can even spread through sexual toys, towels or cloths.

Signs and Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

Symptoms may take 5 to 28 days to show, thus we can say that’s its incubation period. It is nearly asymptomatic in men (compared to women). So, men may serve as a carrier of Trichomoniasis, as they can spread it without realizing.  While most people do not develop symptoms of Trich, the one who does, we can observe the following things in them. 

1. Difficulty in urinating

Burning Sensation while passing urine in men & women. Trich may feel like you are having a urine infection.

2. Discharge 

Men might observe white, yellow or green discharge coming from the penis (generally observed on the tip of the penis) Women may have greenish yellow and frothy discharge with fishy smell

3. Itching or Irritation

In men,

  • They may observe itching or irritation inside the penis, that is the penile shaft or urethra
  • Frequent urination
  • In most cases it hurts in the penis or urethra after passing the urine.
  • Unusually colored Discharge through penis
  • Sore or swollen testicles

In women,

  •  Vagina or vulva may feel itchy. 
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Pain in lower abdomen
  • Painful sex

4. No signs or symptoms

Around 70% of people show no signs or symptoms even when they have contracted Trichomoniasis. Why is this important to know? It is because if you have unprotected sex, chances are that your partner might have it (and he may not know) and still can transfer trichomoniasis in you. 

Thus it is recommended to get tested for STDs when you have a new partner, just to be on the safe side.


Trichomoniasis Cervix Pictures

Identifying Trichomoniasis: Strawberry like spots on cervix
Identifying Trichomoniasis: Strawberry like spots on cervix
Identifying Trichomoniasis: Strawberry like spots on cervix

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Trichomoniasis in pregnant women can cause serious childbirth complications.

Pregnant women with trichomoniasis are at the higher risk of their water breaking – membranes rupturing too early. This can cause a premature delivery before 37 weeks.

Babies with mothers infected from Trichomoniasis can have a birth weight less than 5.5pounds.

In rare cases, female babies can contract Trichomoniasis as they move towards the birth canal.

Premature birth and low birth weight are the top concerns for Trichomoniasis during pregnancy.

Trichomoniasis can be treated using antibiotics during pregnancy before the female gives birth to the baby.

Since the mother is not usually tested for trichomoniasis at regular OB-GYN appointments, the infection can go unnoticed and may harm your baby.

Visit this page: To see all STD pictures under one article.


Trichomoniasis Discharge Pictures

Identifying Trichomoniasis: Discharge inside vagina
Identifying Trichomoniasis: Yellowish Greenish Vaginal Discharge
Testing Trichomoniasis inserting swab inside cervix

Testing of Trichomoniasis

Testing for Trich involves testing Urine sample of the patient or sometimes swabs taken from inside of penis or vagina.

If you have been tested for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia and the results have come negative, you should be getting tested for Trichomoniasis, as these are the Tri-factor as they share some similar symptoms, thus diagnosed together.

It is recommended to get tested for Trich approximately every 3 months.

It is also recommended to get tested while you are entering or leaving relationships and also when you have casual sex partners.


Untreated Trichomoniasis

If left untreated, trichomoniasis can last in the body for several months or even years. In both men and women, trichomoniasis can cause reduction in fertility. Numbers show, it also increases the chances of contracting HIV.

In women, Trich can causes following reactions

  • It can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 
  • In pregnant women, it can cause early or premature delivery

In men, trichomoniasis can rarely lead to prostate infection

Trichomoniasis treatment

Trichomoniasis is a curable disease. It can be completely cured with the use of the oral treatment of antibiotics called Metronidazole or Tinidazole or Satranidazole medications given in 2 grams as a single dose or 5 milligrams twice a day for 5 to 7 days.

So Ideally, if you have a partner and one is infected, then both should get treated at the same time.

If you have had any other partner in the last 4 weeks, they should also get treatment.

You should abstain from having sex during the treatment. Ideally, you should wait for 7 days after finishing all medication to have sex again.

Trichomoniasis prevention

  • Use of condom while having sex with the person whose sexual history is unknown can be a major preventive step
  • Maintenance of low pH of vagina is also helpful
  • Simultaneous treatment of both partner can also help prevent the spread of trichomoniasis
  • Avoid Smoking or consuming alcohol during the treatment of Trichomoniasis 

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  1. Trichomoniasis CDC annexure 5, clause B file
  2. Mayoclinic Book on Trich: Edition 5 Trichomoniasis a complex diseases (std-gov.org)