Pictures of Genital Herpes or Herpes Simplex 2 in men and women

Pictures of Genital Herpes or Herpes Simplex 2 in men and women

Genital Herpes HSV2 is a disease visible on the genitals and can spread through sexual contacts (intercourse, oral sex or even by kissing or skin-to-skin contact etc). The virus infects mucoepithelial cells inside the neurons and can remain dormant for years until the next outbreak.

In Primary herpes case, the time from exposure to the time we begin seeing the painful ulcer is between 2 days to 12 days.

Research shows, that genital Herpes is more prevalent in Young Women and Men who has sex with men


Initial Herpes Lesions on penis

Genital herpes on male genitals


Herpes blisters on penis

Herpes blisters on Male groin

Dried Herpes blisters on penis


It can be observed that sores develop around and on the male genital area. These sore in the initial stage are Small red or white pimples which gradually develop into larger size. They are fluid-filled that may be red, white or yellow these sores tend to burst before crusting over. 


Genital Herpes in Women 


Initial symptoms of Genital herpes in women include Itchingtingling, or burning feeling in the vaginal or anal area.

Genital Herpes in female, by far the most common symptoms and almost with 100% prevalence of vaginal Herpes are pain and blisters. There could certainly be other causes of blisters but the typical findings of an outbreak of vaginal herpes are small and isolated what appearing blisters also called vesicles.

Following are the real Genital herpes symptom pictures in Women.

Warning: Graphical images, viewers discretion is advised



Herpes Lesion on vagina

Herpes on Vulva

Initial Herpes lesions on vagina

Herpes Blisters on vagina in advanced stage

Herpes on and around vagina

Herpes on Vagina

HSV 2 on around vagina and anus (buttocks)


…… more about vaginal Herpes

Vesicles tend to be very painful, especially in the early stage of illness, the pain reduces over time.

Over time herpes may evolve to more of an itching. In the later stage If multiple blisters or vesicles tends to coalesce into what appears to be a crusting and scab these are the typical symptoms that one experiences with vaginal herpes.

One should try to be seen during the time of the actual outbreak to make a definitive diagnosis. This has been a discussion today of symptoms of vaginal herpes.

If you want to see all types of STD pictures, also pictures other than Genital herpes please visit our page STD pictures


What are the types of Herpes tests?

To avoid Herpes do the following

Herpes is the disease which can spread through skin to skin contact. For sexual activity use a latex or polyurethane condom or dental dam every time, for sexual activity.


Herpes Outbreak treatment?

Remember, you can treat herpes but couldn’t get cured.

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight, that will increase the chances of blister and will be more painful to the existing.
  • Wear loose cotton cloths and undergarments
  • Avoid use of perfume soaps
  • Medicines such as acyclovir and valacyclovir fight the herpes virus



Why is it important to know the type of Herpes virus (HSV1 or HSV2)?

HSV 2 – by contrast recurs in those who have symptoms, about anywhere from three to ten times a year averaging 4 or 5 times a year. There’s also a much higher frequency of asymptomatic shedding of the virus in HSV 2 (Genital Herpes) then in HSV 1.

So sexual transmission in the absence of symptoms is far more likely with HSV 2 (Genital Herpes) than HSV 1. So, for these reasons it’s really important to know the virus type (if HSV1 or HSV2), if you have HSV2 (genital herpes) as opposed to HSV 1(oral herpes), you’re much more likely to benefit from ongoing suppression antiviral therapy both to prevent recurrent outbreaks and to help prevent transmission to partners.


What are the types of Herpes tests?

There are two kinds of testing for HSV. a) The antibody tests in which the body’s immune response to the virus and the second one is b) A direct test for the virus.  Direct test detects the virus MA genital lesion in which there is a culture which actually collects a specimen and attempts to grow the virus in the laboratory and DNA testing also known as Nucleic Acid Amplification testing or (NAT test). 


The most common, NAT test is a PCR polymerase chain reaction. The NAT test (the DNA tests) in general are more accurate, that is they’ll pick up more infections. In culture test this could easily miss an infection, especially if a lesion is starting to heal. So the DNA tests are preferred as the direct test from a lesion but culture is more effective. 

Always get tested for Herpes near you with the lab equipped with modern testing facilities.