How is Herpes transmitted non sexually & the myths associated

How is Herpes transmitted non sexually & the myths associated

Although Herpes is called an STD or STI, due to its nature of contracting (its patients) by means of sexual contact, unfortunately, it is not the only means(of contracting the disease). There are several non-sexual means by which one can contract herpes without making sexual contact. 

According to CDC  the herpes virus can transfer from an infected person to a healthy person if a healthy person is through the following ways

  1. By touching the sore of an infected person
  2. Coming in contact with that fluid from the sore
  3. Can spread through vaginal secretions, semen, or saliva
  4. Coming in contact with mucosa (skin inside mouth, vagina, anus) — of a person with the virus.

The above conditions can be easily met in sexual contact but in the article, we will be looking after the non-sexual contacts causing the transmission of Herpes among people

Also, the spread of Non-sexual contact makes healthy people more vulnerable to the Herpes virus. This also immensely increases the ways through which Herpes can be transmitted from person to person, besides sexual contact.

So let’s have a look at different means through which Herpes can be transmitted Non Sexually.


Transmission of Herpes from Kissing

This is the most common way of spreading Herpes, one may not touch herpes sore, but kissing someone with Herpes not knowing the person’s health condition is an innocent act. One can easily get oral Herpes (HSV 1) by merely kissing someone as Herpes also spreads through contact with the infected (person’s) saliva.

Although this is oral herpes(HSV 1) and not genital herpes(HSV 2) developing genital herpes (HSV 2) this way is also likely.

Chances of contracting Oral Herpes by Kissing are most likely as kissing is a nonsexual activity done more frequently. Especially by parents if a parent with a cold sore gives a peck to their child on the lips


Transmission of Herpes by touching the Herpes patient

This is another non-sexual means to contract herpes. As mentioned before Herpes virus spreads from person to person when the person touches the sore or fluid from the sore or through contact with the infected (person’s) saliva.

Touching the herpes sore accidentally or purposely can lead to the transmission of Herpes.

Please note: Herpes doesn’t spread merely by touching an infected person but by touching the sore, or fluid or coming in contact with the saliva of the infected person.

Also, viral shedding may occur in the absence of blisters, so transmission is possible when lesions are absent. Most transmission occurs in absence of sores and merely by touching.


Can Herpes spread through the air?

Herpes virus be it HSV 1 or HSV 2 dies due to air exposure after some time. 

The answer to this question if herpes can spread through air is a simple “No”. It’s a myth.

Having said that, herpes usually spreads by oral contact between individuals, such as kissing or exchanging specific items (sex toys) before the virus has had enough time to perish from air exposure. This cannot label Herpes as an airborne disease.


Spread of Herpes through a toilet seat

This is a frequently asked question if one can get herpes merely by using the toilet seat used by a herpes patient. 

The answer is simple “No”. It’s a myth that herpes can pass on a person by sitting on a toilet seat used by the infected person.

It’s quite unlikely that genital herpes may be contracted from a toilet seat. As there is a very sleek chance of coming directly in contact with the sore or its fluid. So, the chances of Herpes contraction are zero.


Oral herpes transmission through the toothbrush

These are another unusual and non-sexual way of transmitting Oral Herpes. 

The oral herpes virus, which may persist on a toothbrush for a while, can be left behind by someone who has an active herpes outbreak in the form of ulcers around their mouth. So using the same toothbrush immediately may increase the chances of contracting herpes.

Since the herpes virus spreads through saliva, doctors believe that using a toothbrush with another person increases the risk of transmission.


Oral herpes transmission by sharing a drink

This is another way through which Herpes can spread from person to person. Sharing a drink or the same glass or straw with an active Herpes patient can cause this.

Sharing a drink or a glass or straw can cause transmission of Herpes through the exchange of saliva. 

Although the herpes virus can transmit through saliva, chances of contracting oral herpes in this way is highly unlikely, as it requires many factors (such as outbreak, the time between sharing the drink, the actual transfer of saliva from the patient’s mouth to the drink) to come together for actual transmission.


Few myths about the spread of Herpes

The following points on the spread of Herpes are a few myths in society and are not scientifically proven or backed by any researched data or scientific evidence.

  • Herpes spread through clothes
  • Herpes spread through hugs 
  • Herpes spread through the toilet seat
  • Herpes spread through the air
  • Herpes is curable

All the above-mentioned statements are untrue as it is also unlikely that once you contract herpes on a particular part of a body, it can spread to the other body parts, which is practically not possible. 

If you unintentionally touch your mouth or genitalia, it is uncommon to develop the same type of herpes at different sites after developing it at one site. Your body produces antibodies that stop this from happening, which is why.

Although herpes is not curable it can be treated and the pain and suffering can be reduced to a considerable extent. It is always sensible to get tested for Herpes when you think that Herpes symptoms are appearing on your body. It will not only lead you to a fast treatment but (awareness) eventually may prevent the spread of Herpes in its dormant form.


How is herpes tested or diagnosed?

When you’ll visit the clinic for STD testing they may ask you to give a blood sample and/or swab from the infected area depending upon the type of test you go for. 

Our herpes simplex virus type 1 (oral herpes) and type 2(genital herpes) (IgG) type-specific antibody testing uses an immunoassay to check the blood for antibodies to both kinds of the herpes virus. The test results are considered positive for the corresponding virus if sufficient antibodies are found. 

Our FDA-cleared herpes type 1 & 2 tests will be 97%-99% accurate between 4-6 weeks after exposure, even in the absence of symptoms of an outbreak. After six weeks, the accuracy will still be 99%.

For testing for herpes you are not required to have a doctor’s prescription, just book a herpes test near you and get a $10 instant discount over checkout.




Genital Herpes – CDC Clauses 5 Annexure: https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm

Go Ask Alice reference letter for the university

Oral Herpes Encyclopedia Book No 2 .

Genital Herpes Book 8, Part 5 Annexure