Crawford County: Rise in STD cases compared to neighboring region.

A study conducted by the Kansas Department of health reveals that there are more than 300 cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea reported in Crawford County last year.

It doesn’t come as a surprise if you see the trend of Crawford county. It is rising since 2014(refer graph below). Due to this trend, Crawford County has become one of the higher ranking regions in southeast Kansas for these STDs.

The two Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia and gonorrhea ) are the most commonly contracted diseases in the county and the Crawford County Health Department attributes the high number of reports to the asymptomatic nature of the two diseases. The high number of reports to the symptoms of contracting the STDs can go undetected.

Hope Harmon, RN, Crawford County Health Department says”A lot of people don’t know they have it. They have no signs and symptoms, it can go undetected. And that’s why we encourage anyone sexually active to have yearly testing at the nearby testing center.”

This rise in the trend in Crawford Country brought the county’s STD contraction rate to 5.4 (cases)/ 1 thousand people. Now compare that to the other parts of the Kansas where Central Kansas: 4.9 cases, Eastern Kansas: 4 cases and North Central Kansas: 2.6. Due to the asymptomatic nature of the certain STDs, their the detection gets delayed and consequently, the treatment also gets delayed. Routine testing for STD at your nearby location is the only way to detect STDs and thereby to begin timely treatment.