Check for STD signs on Penis

STD signs on penis should be taken as the male STD warning signs. Some STDs are asymptotic thus their symptoms may not start in the initial stages but could be stark and evident in the later stages. Let’s check out the signs of STD on penis to identify and treat various STD at a very early stage, failing which the untreated or late treatment

Method 1: Checking any symptom of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia on penis

  • Check your penis for signs of discharge
  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can cause yellowish, greenish, thick, cloudy discharge from the penis

Caution: Discharge from the penis, not necessarily means you have an STD. The only way to find for sure is to visit an STD testing near you.

Burning sensation while Urinating

Burning sensation while urinating is observed in case of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia infection. This happens because these two disease causes infection in urethra thus causing inflammation there. Rectal inflammation is another sign of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

Refer: STD pictures for detailed identification of STDs in every stage

Swollen testicle observed during Chlamydia and Gonorrhea infection

If testicles are tender, painful or swollen immediate medical attention is required.

Seek for STD testing immediately as gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause permanent damage including loss of fertility

Method 2: Checking for signs of Syphilis on your penis

Syphilis sore often appearing on penis in the preliminary stage

1 Check your genitals mouth and anus for primary syphilis sores.
Have your partner check themselves as well the sores often appear as open wet ulcers or painless sores dot these sores caused by infection with syphilis bacteria typically appear between ten days and three months after exposure.

2 They appear on the region of the body infected such as the penis, vagina, tongue lips, anus and heal up, though the disease
remains in the body and can reappear later on.

Secondary syphilis

Evaluate yourself for signs of secondary syphilis these symptoms begin 3 to 6 weeks after the disappearance of primary syphilis or and include rash with 3/4 inch red or brownish sores. This is the most classical sign of secondary syphilis. The rash is characterized as a rash a flat red area covered with bumps over the trunk and extremities that includes the palms and soles of the hands and feet, fever, headache, sore throat, anorexia muscle pain, weight loss, general malaise, alopecia, gastrointestinal findings musculoskeletal problems, neurological and ocular findings swollen lymph nodes, general feeling of malaise.

Tertiary Syphilis

Be aware that syphilis may at any point in the course of the infection spread to the nervous system.
This is dangerous and can cause neurological symptoms including uncoordinated movement and changes in behavior. In addition, secondary syphilis can lead to tertiary syphilis which may spread to organs including and cause life-threatening complications.

Neurosyphilis is difficult to diagnose and usually, the spinal fluid must be tested to confirm for seeking medical care if you have any of the symptoms listed above or suspect you may have syphilis this is a dangerous disease that can cause permanent damage and even death if left untreated talk to your doctor immediately and get tested.

Method 3: Genital Herpes signs on Penis

Checking for signs of genital herpes

1 Look for red open sores blisters or small red bumps in the genital or anal areas sores can appear on the penis scrotum and even inside the urethra. Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus HSV. This classically causes a painful sore on the penis or vagina. Though the outbreaks of genital herpes can be managed with medication, once a person is infected, they will always carry the virus in their body.

2. Note any pain or itching in the genital region thighs buttocks or anus hitching is typically the first symptoms of a herpes infection herpes sores are also painful which can help you differentiate herpes from other conditions

3. Be aware of discomfort when urinating herpes sores can occur inside, the urethra making urination painful

Method 4: Checking for signs of human papillomavirus HPV and genital warts

1 Know that there are many types of HPV, the kinds that cause cancer are not the same times that cause genital warts. There is also no way to test for the presence of HPV in men.

2 Examine your penis for small flesh-colored or grey-colored wart-like lesions. Individual genital warts are often small less than
one millimeter in diameter, however, they may multiply and several can grow in close proximity to each other. When this happens, warts may take on the appearance of a head of cauliflower dot. Warts can be located in and around the genitals anus and in the mouth and the back of the throat

Note: any bleeding after sexual intercourse do this can be a sign of genital warts or another condition

4 Be aware of itching or pain in the genital region on the buttocks or in the mouth these signs can point to genital warts or another STDs

5 Understand, that there are typically no symptoms from infection by the types of HPV that can cause cancer in men and in women. In men, these types of HPV can cause penile-anal or oral pharyngeal cancer dot and women these types of HSV can cause cervical anal or oral pharyngeal cancer there are vaccines that can prevent infection with some types of HPV that cause cancer or genital warts men between the ages of 9 and 26 are approved to receive HPV vaccines Gardasil and Gardasil

6 Seek medical care if you have any of the symptoms listed above. Your health care provider can prescribe medications to treat genital warts and can advise you about cancer risk if you have a cancer-causing type of HPV.

Method five: Get tested for STD near your place.

Following the recommended STD screening guidelines by CDC one make sure that you and your partner are following the recommended screening guidelines for STDs. If your partner is a woman there are certain tests she should get on a regular basis, if your partner is a man he should be screened for certain STDs.

These tests can tell you if you or your partner have an STD, allowing you to take proper precautions and to seek treatment. This is especially important because as mentioned above many STDs do not cause obvious symptoms. These guidelines are just that a guide you should discuss all testing and risk factors with your healthcare provider. They will help you adjust screening accordingly,

When to get tested for different STDs?

1. Make sure your partner is also tested and treated accordingly to get tested for human immunodeficiency virus HIV at least once in your life.

2. Between 13 to 64 years of age men who have sex with men should be tested at least yearly if not more frequently

3. Get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia yearly if you are under 25 years old or if you have newer multiple sex partners. Having multiple sex partners puts you at an increased risk for STD

4. Get tested for syphilis gonorrhea and chlamydia yearly if you are a man who has sex of any kind, with other men, men who have multiple and/or anonymous partners etc. should be tested more frequently.

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